A lot of people are being concerned the latest years about their personal data and how all those information are being out there in the internet. The truth is that the majority of internet users are exposing themselves in a way they thing they control. But is this true? I doubt, but this ia a big big discussion and I am sure I can find statements in both lanes.
So let's move on the campaign tracking! It is so easy and your big ally is going to be an email campaign tool like Mailchimp (or any other email-campaign tool) and of course Google Analytics. The latest API of GA gives you the ability to track the basics about your campaign(campaign name,medium and source) but also gives you the ability to store up to 5 User Defined Variables. The power of user defined variables is insane! Imagine a scenario where you can send email to your list and afterwards track all the visitors activity and see who visited what and what information he liked most and so many other statistics. The big deal here is that you should not use sensitive information inside your google analytics like names phones or emails.